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Browse Books in Children's Fiction

La Fabuleuse mélodie de Frédéric Petitpin

by (author) Don Gillmor
illustrated by Marie-Louise Gay
other primary creator Michelle Campagne & Davy Gallant

Le petit chien de laine

by (author) Lionel Daunais
illustrated by Marie Lafrance

Caillou Learns to Swim

adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou: Be Careful!

by (author) Joceline Sanschagrin
illustrated by Pierre Brignaud

The Lost Teachings / Panuijkatasikl Kina’masuti’l

illustrated by Dozay (Arlene) Christmas
by (author) Michael James Isaac

Caillou: I Can Brush My Teeth

by (author) Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Pierre Brignaud

Mr. Flux

by (author) Kyo Maclear
illustrated by Matte Stephens

What a Party!

by (author) Ana Maria Machado
illustrated by Helene Moreau
translated by Elisa Amado

Outdoor Surprises

by (author) Eve Bunting
illustrated by Josée Masse

Caillou: L'apprenti pompier

Avec affiche à l'intérieur

adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny
translated by Claire St-Onge

Caillou: Fresh from the Farm

Ecology Club

text by Kim Thompson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou: Sois prudent!

text by Joceline Sanschagrin
illustrated by Pierre Brignaud

Caillou apprend à recycler

Planète écolo

text by Kim Thompson
adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Molly's Promise

by (author) Sylvia Olsen

Dream Songs Night Songs from Mali to Louisiana (Enhanced Edition)

Lullabies from around the world

by (author) Patrick Lacoursière
illustrated by Sylvie Bourbonnière
performed by H'Sao & Hart-Rouge


by (author) Alison Hughes

Caching In

by (author) Kristin Butcher


by (author) John Wilson


by (author) Alison Hughes

Spaghetti Is Not a Finger Food

(and other life lessons)

by (author) Jodi Carmichael
illustrated by Sarah Ackerley

Lilly to the Rescue

by (author) Brenda Bellingham
illustrated by Kathy Kaulbach

Assured Destruction

by (author) Michael F. Stewart

The Beggar King

by (author) Michelle Barker

Mister Dash and the Cupcake Calamity

by (author) Monica Kulling
illustrated by Esperança Melo

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