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Browse Books in Children's Fiction

Good Morning, Canada

illustrated by Andrea Beck

Piau's Potato Present

The "True" Story of the Poutine Rapee

by (author) Diane Carmel Léger
illustrated by Tamara Thiébaux-Heikalo

Voices From the Wild

An Animal Sensagoria

by (author) David Bouchard
illustrated by Ron Parker

When Everything Feels like the Movies

by (author) Raziel Reid

The 39 Clues: Unstoppable Book 4: Flashpoint (Library Edition)

by (author) Gordon Korman

The 39 Clues: Unstoppable Book 4: Flashpoint

by (author) Gordon Korman

The 39 Clues: Unstoppable Book Four: Flashpoint (Audio)

by (author) Gordon Korman
narrator David Pittu

The 39 Clues: Unstoppable Book Four: Flashpoint (Library Audio)

by (author) Gordon Korman
narrator David Pittu

Flashpoint (The 39 Clues: Unstoppable, Book 4)

by (author) Gordon Korman

Finding Ruby Starling

by (author) Karen Rivers

A Morning to Polish and Keep

Audio Enhanced Edition

by (author) Julie Lawson
illustrated by Sheena Lott

Emily and the Mighty Om

by (author) Sarah Lolley & Sleepless Kao

End of the Line

by (author) Sharon E. McKay


A Starling Novel

by (author) Lesley Livingston

Superfab Saves the Day

by (author) Bérengère Delaporte & Jean Leroy

Dear Panda

by (author) Miriam Latimer

Who's Next Door?

by (author) Mayuko Kishira
illustrated by Jun Takabatake

Whatever Life you Wear

by (author) Cecilia Kennedy

Not Very Scary

by (author) Carol Brendler
illustrated by Greg Pizzoli

Caillou Goes Apple Picking

by (author) Danielle Patenaude
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

The Fabulous World of Mr. Fred

by (author) Lili Chartrand
illustrated by Gabrielle Grimard

Caillou Borrows a Book

by (author) Anne Paradis
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

The Truth About Brave

The Wild Place Adventure Series

by (author) Karen Hood-Caddy

OMG… Am I a Witch?!

by (author) Talia Aikens-Nunez
illustrated by Alicja Ignaczak

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