Browse Books in Children's Fiction

Good Morning, Canada

Piau's Potato Present
The "True" Story of the Poutine Rapee

Voices From the Wild
An Animal Sensagoria

When Everything Feels like the Movies

The 39 Clues: Unstoppable Book 4: Flashpoint (Library Edition)

The 39 Clues: Unstoppable Book 4: Flashpoint

The 39 Clues: Unstoppable Book Four: Flashpoint (Audio)

The 39 Clues: Unstoppable Book Four: Flashpoint (Library Audio)

Flashpoint (The 39 Clues: Unstoppable, Book 4)

Finding Ruby Starling

A Morning to Polish and Keep
Audio Enhanced Edition

Emily and the Mighty Om

End of the Line

A Starling Novel

Superfab Saves the Day

Dear Panda

Who's Next Door?

Whatever Life you Wear

Not Very Scary

Caillou Goes Apple Picking

The Fabulous World of Mr. Fred

Caillou Borrows a Book

The Truth About Brave
The Wild Place Adventure Series