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Browse Books in Children's Fiction

Strings Attached

by (author) Diane Dakers


by (author) Shane Arbuthnott

On My Bike

by (author) Kari-Lynn Winters
illustrated by Christina Leist

On My Skis

by (author) Kari-Lynn Winters
illustrated by Christina Leist

Mary au Parka Rouge

by (author) Peter Eyvindson
translated by Mona Buors
illustrated by Rhian Brynjolson

Innocent Heroes

Stories of animals in the First World War

by (author) Sigmund Brouwer

Sam Sorts

by (author) Marthe Jocelyn

Quiz Queens

by (author) K.L. Denman

Wild Cards

by (author) Jeff Szpirglas
illustrated by Dave Whamond

When We Were Alone

by (author) David A. Robertson
illustrated by Julie Flett

It's a Mystery, Pig Face!

by (author) Wendy McLeod MacKnight

Caillou: My Little Library

Includes 4 Board Books

text by Gisèle Légaré, Christine L'Heureux, Nicole Nadeau & Claire St-Onge
illustrated by Kary & Pierre Brignaud

Ready, Set . . . Baby!

by (author) Elizabeth Rusch
illustrated by Qin Leng

Duck, Duck, Dinosaur and the Noise at Night

by (author) Kallie George
illustrated by Oriol Vidal

Billy Sure Kid Entrepreneur vs. Manny Reyes Kid Entrepreneur

by (author) Luke Sharpe
illustrated by Graham Ross

Caillou : Ma petite bibliothèque

Contient 4 livres de grands

text by Christine L'Heureux, Gisèle Légaré, Nicole Nadeau & Claire St-Onge
illustrated by Pierre Brignaud & Kary

Dormouse Dreams

illustrated by Renata Liwska
by (author) Karma Wilson

Ste. Madeleine: community Without a Town

Metis Elders in Interview

by (author) Victoria Zeilig & Ken Zeilig

L'Espace de Louis Goulet

by (author) Guillaume Charette

The People of the Sea

by (author) Donald Uluadluak
illustrated by Mike Motz

Les Savoirs Perdus /  Panuijkatasikl Kina’masuti’l

by (author) Michael James Isaac
illustrated by Dozay (Arlene) Christmas

He Who Dreams

by (author) Melanie Florence


by (author) Nikki Tate

Masterminds: Criminal Destiny

by (author) Gordon Korman

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