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Browse Books in Children's Fiction

Le garçon qui a vu la couleur de l'air

by (author) Abdo Wazen
translated by Nada Ghosn

Minecraft Boxed Set (Graphic Novels)

by (author) Sfê R. Monster
illustrated by Sarah Graley

Mad About Meatloaf (Weenie Featuring Frank and Beans Book #1)

by (author) Maureen Fergus
illustrated by Alexandra Bye

PAWS: Mindy Makes Some Space

A Graphic Novel

by (author) Nathan Fairbairn
illustrated by Michele Assarasakorn

Nature's Apprentices (hard cover)

The Magic of the Peatlands

by (author) Elizabeth Bekolay
illustrated by Jennifer Lynn Becker

Nature's Apprentices (soft cover)

The Magic of the Peatlands

by (author) Elizabeth Bekolay
illustrated by Jennifer Lynn Becker

The Little Hunter

English Edition

by (author) Deborah Thomas
consultant editor Philipoosie Arragutainaq
illustrated by D.J. Herron

The Little Hunter

Inuktitut Edition

by (author) Deborah Thomas
consultant editor Philipoosie Arragutainaq
illustrated by D.J. Herron

Les timbrés : N° 6 - Le mystère du marais

illustrated by Dom Pelletier

A Cabin Christmas

by (author) Glynnis Hood
illustrated by Ardis Cheng

Love Is a Ball

A Board Book

by (author) Amy Novesky
illustrated by Sara Gillingham

Too Early

A Picture Book

by (author) Nora Ericson
illustrated by Elly MacKay

Chasing The Wind Whales

by (author) Daniel

La science dans l'univers Minecraft

Exploration, construction, création... La science dans le jeu vidéo Minecraft

text by James Daley
translated by Valérie Lavallée-Chouinard

Lily's Egypt Adventure

by (author) Cindy Tingley

Le voyage de l'artiste

by (author) Mizouni Bannani
translated by Leïla Tahir

Mi'kmaw Moons

The Seasons in Mi'kma'ki

by (author) Cathy LeBlanc & David Chapman
illustrated by Loretta Gould

Frisson l’écureuil visite la clinique

illustrated by Melanie Watt

Les super six du hockey : N° 5 - Pris au jeu

illustrated by Kevin Sylvester

Un calendrier de l'Avent : N° 3 - La fin de la liste des vilains?

by (author) Valérie Fontaine
illustrated by Mika

La souris qui portait une maison sur son dos

by (author) Jonathan Stutzman
illustrated by Isabelle Arsenault

My Fade Is Fresh

by (author) Shauntay Grant
illustrated by Kitt Thomas

The Bear House: Scales and Stardust

by (author) Meaghan McIsaac

Histoires de guerre

by (author) Gordon Korman

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