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Browse Books in Children's Fiction


by (author) Jane Yolen
illustrated by Jane Dyer

If Anything Ever Goes Wrong at the Zoo

by (author) Mary Jean Hendrick
illustrated by Jane Dyer

Baseball in the Barrios

by (author) Henry Horenstein

Mary Poppins Comes Back

by (author) P.L. Travers
illustrated by Mary Shepard

Miss Alaineus

A Vocabulary Disaster

by (author) Debra Frasier

Hide and Snake

by (author) Keith Baker

The Mysterious Giant of Barletta

by (author) Tomie dePaola

Walks Alone

by (author) Brian Burks


A Fuzzhead Tale

by (author) Janell Cannon

No Mirrors in My Nana's House

by (author) Ysaye M. Barnwell
illustrated by Synthia Saint James

The Storyteller's Beads

by (author) Jane Kurtz

Frog Went A-Courtin'

by (author) John Langstaff
illustrated by Feodor Rojankovsky

One Yellow Daffodil

A Hanukkah Story

by (author) David A. Adler
illustrated by Lloyd Bloom


by (author) Natale Ghent

Telling Time with Big Mama Cat

by (author) Dan Harper
illustrated by Barry Moser & Cara Moser


A Journey through America

by (author) Thomas Locker

Algo Bueno

by (author) Robert Munsch
illustrated by Michael Martchenko

Emma and the Coyote

by (author) Margriet Ruurs
illustrated by Barbara Spurll

Franklin's School Treasury

by (author) Paulette Bourgeois
illustrated by Brenda Clark

Weekend at the Grand Hotel, A

by (author) Mary Labatt

Benny Bensky and the Perogy Palace

by (author) Mary Borsky
illustrated by Linda Hendry

Up, Up, Down

by (author) Robert Munsch
illustrated by Michael Martchenko

Live Forever Machine

by (author) Kenneth Oppel

Funnie Mysteries Bad To the Bone

by (author) Daniel Campbell

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