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Browse Books in Children's Fiction

Little Red Train Magnetic Playbook

Adventures of the Little Red Train

by (author) Benedict Blathwayt

Hot Dog and Bob Adventure 3

and the Dangerously Dizzy Attack of the Hypno Hamsters

illustrated by Dave Whamond
by (author) L. Bob Rovetch

Hamish X and the Cheese Pirates

by (author) Sean Cullen

Silverwing 10th Anniversary 10c Signed Ctn

by (author) Kenneth Oppel

Lily and the Mixed-Up Letters

by (author) Deborah Hodge
illustrated by France Brassard

Otter Everywhere

Brand New Readers

by (author) Christine Webster
illustrated by Tim Nihoff

Ten Old Men and a Mouse

by (author) Cary Fagan
illustrated by Gary Clement

Nancy Drew #8: Global Warning

by (author) Stefan Petrucha
illustrated by Sho Murase

The Goatnappers

by (author) Rosa Jordan

The Complete Screech Owls, Volume 5

by (author) Roy MacGregor

Who Is Frances Rain?

by (author) Margaret Buffie

Sea-Wishing Day, A

by (author) Robert Heidbreder
illustrated by Kady MacDonald Denton

Exploits of a Reluctant (But Extremely Goodlooking) Hero

by (author) Maureen Fergus

Mirror Image

by (author) K.L. Denman

Jeffrey and Sloth

by (author) Kari-Lynn Winters
illustrated by Ben Hodson

Premier printemps

by (author) Lauren Thompson
illustrated by Buket Erdogan

Just J

by (author) Colin Frizzell

The Boat in the Tree

by (author) Tim Wynne-Jones
illustrated by John Shelley

Super Toopy

by (author) Dominique Jolin

When the Curtain Rises

by (author) Rachel Dunstan Muller

A Treasure in My Garden

by (author) Gilles Vigneault
illustrated by Stéphane Jorisch

Titan Clash

by (author) Sigmund Brouwer

Timberwolf Hunt

by (author) Sigmund Brouwer
illustrated by Dean Griffiths

Lucky's Mountain

by (author) Dianne Maycock

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