Browse Books in Entrepreneurship

Sheridan Nurseries
One Hundred Years of People, Plans, and Plants

Making the Right Ones, Righting the Wrong Ones

Cold Hard Truth
On Business, Money & Life

Buying a Franchise in Canada

The Entrepreneurial Mom's Guide to Running Your Own Business

Birth of a Boom: Lives & Legacies of Saskatchewan Entrepreneurs

Direct Mail in the Digital Age

Mom Inc.

The Business of Women
Marriage, Family, and Entrepreneurship in British Columbia, 1901-51

Transnational and Immigrant Entrepreneurship in a Globalized World

Starting a Successful Business in Canada Kit

F.U. Money
Make As Much Money As You Want And Live Your Life As You Damn Well Please!

Always Fresh

Fashioning Reality
New Generation Entrepreneurship
Always Fresh The Untold Story Of Tim Hortons

Starting a Successful Business in Canada
Wet Behind the Ears
The Adventures of an Entrepreneur and the 7Essential Lessons Learned

Self-Employed Workers Organize
Law, Policy, and Unions

Take Your Invention to Market
Develop your ideas into successful products and services.
Management for Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurship and How to Establish Your Own Business

How Women Make Money
Inspirational Stories and Practical Advice from Canadian Women

Lessons From the Edge
Survival Skills for Starting and Growing a Company