Browse Books in Political

Politics, People, and Pot-Pourri

Hell or High Water
My Life in and out of Politics

James Douglas
Father of British Columbia

Canadian Maverick
The Life and Times of Ivan C. Rand

Benjamin Disraeli Letters
1860-1864, Volume VIII

Moi, je suis de Bouctouche
Les racines bien ancrées

The Constant Diplomat
Robert Ford in Moscow

Moi, je suis de Bouctouche
Les racines bien ancrées

I'm from Bouctouche, Me
Roots Matter

Negotiating the Numbered Treaties
An Intellectual and Political History of Alexander Morris

Retiring the Crow Rate
A Narrative of Political Management

Just One Vote
From Jim Walding's Nomination to Constitutional Defeat

Ignatieff's World Updated
Iggy goes to Ottawa

Old Lost Land of Newfoundland, The
Family, Memory, Fiction, and Myth

The Indian Commissioners
Agents of the State and Indian Policy in Canada's Prairie West, 1873 - 1932

Brock Chisholm, the World Health Organization, and the Cold War

Pagoda of Light
A Falun Gong Story from Today's China

Seeking Balance
Conversations with BC Women in Politics

John A
The Man Who Made Us

The Life and Times of Raúl Prebisch, 1901-1986

Undiplomatic Diaries
Frank Moores
The Time of His Life

My Years as Prime Minister

Creative Dissent: A Politician's Struggle for Peace
A Politician's Struggle for Peace