Browse Books in Philosophers

They Called Him a Radical
The Memoirs of Pete Maloff and the Making of a Doukhobor Pacifist

Herbert Marcuse's Utopia

Hypatia's Wake

Alasdair MacIntyre
An Intellectual Biography

Can't Help Falling
A Long Road to Motherhood

Ivan Illich
An Intellectual Journey

A Memoir of Childhood

On Love and Tyranny
The Life and Politics of Hannah Arendt

A Life in Pictures

Horace Kallen Confronts America
Jewish Identity, Science, and Secularism

Foucault against Himself

Time Will Say Nothing
A Philosopher Survives an Iranian Prison

Canadian Scholars Bundle
Lucille Teasdale / Robertson Davies / George Grant / Marshall McLuhan

Extraordinary Canadians: Marshall McLuhan

Hope in a Scattering Time
A Life of Christopher Lasch

Measuring the Mosaic
An Intellectual Biography of John Porter

Isaiah Berlin
A Life

Nelson Goodman

Hilary Putnam

Salighed As Happiness?
Kierkegaard on the Concept Salighed

Vladimir Solov’ev and the Knighthood of the Divine Sophia

George Grant
Redefining Canada

William James On Radical Empiricism and Religion
Correspondance g�n�rale d'Helv�tius
1774-1800 / Lettres 721-855