Browse Books in Biography & Autobiography
Keeping Afloat

George Halden Earle
A Concert Unto Himself
Discovering The Bright Warrior
Confessions of a Social Activist

Wings Across The Desert
The Incredible Motorized Crane Migration

Milosevic and Markovic
A Lust for Power

Captain McNeil and His Wife the Nishga Chief
From Boston Fur Trader to Hudson's Bay company Trader

Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley
Writing Lives

Louis St Laurent

Emily Carr

Kon Ichikawa

Love Strong as Death
Lucy Peel’s Canadian Journal, 1833-1836
Breakfast with the Devil

Abundant Beauty
The Adventurous Travels of Marianne North, Botanical Artist

Shelter From the Storm
A Sailor's Life of Havens, High Seas, and Discovery
Of Dissonance And Shadows
Eleventh Toe
Red Promises

Sir John George Bourinot, Victorian Canadian
His Life, Times, and Legacy

Jessie Luther at the Grenfell Mission

Thinking Like A Woman
Personal Life and Political Ideas

St. Lawrence and Me

The Siren Years
A Canadian Diplomat Abroad 1937-1945