Browse Books in Biography & Autobiography

E nâtamukw miyeyimuwin
Residential School Recovery Stories of the James Bay Cree, Volume 1

Everything Left to Remember
My Mother, Our Memories, and a Journey Through the Rocky Mountains

Reveries of a Mountain Dweller

Harvesting Freedom
The Life of a Migrant Worker in Canada

The Turcottes
The Remarkable Story of a Horse Racing Dynasty

Eyes on the Horizon
My Journey Toward Justice

And a Dog Called Fig
Solitude, Connection, the Writing Life

Colonel Parkinson in Charge
A Wry Reflection on My Incurable Illness

The Life of a Pilot
Bush Planes and Water Bombers

Life of a Pilot: Bush Planes and Water Bombers

Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss
My Life with Terence McKenna

Redemption Ground
Essays and Adventures

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, 3rd Edition

Kechika Chronicler
Willard Freer's Northern BC and Yukon Diaries, 1942-1975

Private Power, Public Purpose
Adventures in Business, Politics, and the Arts

Wanda's War
An Untold Story of Nazi Europe, Forced Labour, and a Canadian Immigration Scandal

People, Politics, and Purpose
Biography and Canadian Political History

An Anthology of Monsters
How Story Saves Us from Our Anxiety

Weaving Modernist Art
The Life and Work of Mariette Rousseau-Vermette

Unlikely Insider
A West Coast Advocate in Ottawa

On Writing and Failure
Or, On the Peculiar Perseverance Required to Endure the Life of a Writer

Down and Back
On Alcohol, Family, and a Life in Hockey

Still, I Cannot Save You
A Memoir of Sisterhood, Love, and Letting Go