Browse Books in Biography & Autobiography

Clickety Clack
My Bipolar Express

38 ans derrière les barreaux (poche)
L'histoire du père Jean

Extraordinary Canadians Louis Hippolyte Lafontaine and Robert Baa
A Penguin Lives Biography

Not Yet
A Memoir of Living and Almost Dying

So Few on Earth
A Labrador Métis Woman Remembers

Viscount Haldane
'The Wicked Step-father of the Canadian Constitution'

Alphabet Table

Wolfe Pack, The
Stories of a Mid-Western Family 1850-1950

Leader, Warrior, Peacemaker

Bad Medicine
A Judge’s Struggle for Justice in a First Nations Community

Tales From the Back Room
Memories of a Political Insider

Work of Her Hands, The
A prairie woman's life in remembrances and recipes

Broken Circle
The Dark Legacy of Indian Residential Schools: A Memoir

Andy De Jarlis
The Life and Music of an Old-Time Fiddler

Broken Circle
The Dark Legacy of Indian Residential Schools

Roy & Me
A Memoir and Then Some

The Four Walls of My Freedom

Roy & Me
This Is Not a Memoir

The Rise and Fall of Lea Hindley-Smith’s Psychoanalytic Commune

Danny Williams
The War With Ottawa

Cold Land, Warm Hearts
More Memories of an Arctic Medical Outpost

A Memoir of Rebellion, Drugs and Fatherhood
Thirteen Minutes
A 20th century tale of family, eugenics, Dadaism.and hockey

The Love Queen of Malabar
Memoir of a Friendship with Kamala Das