Browse Books in Biography & Autobiography

Thugs, Thieves, and Outlaws
Alberta Crime Stories

Extraordinary Canadians: Tommy Douglas

Extraordinary Canadians: Louis Riel and Gabriel Dumont
A Penguin Lives Biography

Extraordinary Canadians Wilfrid Laurier

Extraordinary Canadians: Maurice Richard

Extraordinary Canadians: Marshall McLuhan

A House in the Sky

Army of Lovers
A Community History of Will Munro

We Are Born with the Songs Inside Us
Lives and Stories of First Nations People in British Columbia

Extraordinary Canadians Rene Levesque

Guerrilla Nation
My Wars In and Out of Vietnam

The Life and Times of Conrad Black
A Wordless Biography

Aunt Winnie

Leaving Home
The Remarkable Life of Peter Jacyk

The Third Best Hull

The November Optimist

ADHD According to Zoe
The Real Deal on Relationships, Finding Your Focus, and Finding Your Keys

Lord Mansfield
Justice in the Age of Reason

A Metaphoric Mind
Selected Writings of Joseph Couture

Third Best Hull

Vanished Boyhood

In Hiding

If Only It Were Fiction