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Browse Books in Biography & Autobiography

Through an Unknown Country

The Jarvis–Hanington Winter Expedition through the Northern Rockies, 1874–1875

by (author) Mike Murtha & Charles Helm

June Mickle

One Woman's Life in the Foothills and Mountains of Western Canada

by (author) Kathy Calvert

A Time That Was

Christmas in Newfoundland

by (author) Gary Collins

En toute liberté

Entretiens avec Gilda Routy

by (author) André Patry

The Riverton Rifle

My Story—Straight Shooting on Hockey and on Life

by (author) Reggie Leach

The United States of Wind ebook

Travels in America

by (author) Daniel Canty
translated by Oana Avasilichioaei

The Real Thing

The Natural History of Ian McTaggart Cowan

as told by Briony Penn


Stories from the Streets of Paris

by (author) Nisha Coleman

On the Frontier

Letters from the Canadian West in the 1880s

by (author) William Wallace
edited by Ken S. Coates & Bill Morrison

Floating Islands

A Writer's Early Life

by (author) Mike Doyle

The Great Defender

My Hockey Odyssey

by (author) Larry Robinson & Kevin Shea

Creatures of the Rock

A Veterinarian's Adventures in Newfoundland

by (author) Andrew Peacock

Where I Belong

Small Town to Great Big Sea

by (author) Alan Doyle

That Lonely Section of Hell

The Botched Investigation of a Serial Killer Who Almost Got Away

by (author) Lorimer Shenher

Bedlam Cowslip

The John Clare Poems

by (author) Jeanette Lynes

Great Soul of Siberia

Passion, Obsession, and One Man's Quest for the World's Most Elusive Tiger

by (author) Sooyong Park
foreword by John Vaillant

Pauline Boutal

An Artist's Destiny, 1894-1992

by (author) Louise Duguay
translated by S.E. Stewart


The Halifax Explosion and the Persecution of Pilot Francis Mackey

by (author) Janet Maybee

The Only Average Guy

Inside the Uncommon World of Rob Ford

by (author) John Filion


The Outrageous Adventures of the Radical Soviet Poet Who Became a Bum in New York, a Sensation in France, and a Political Antihero in Russia

by (author) Emmanuel Carrere
translated by John Lambert

Alone Against the North

An Expedition into the Unknown

by (author) Adam Shoalts

Emily Carr

The Incredible Life and Adventures of a West Coast Artist

by (author) Cat Klerks

A Celtic Temperament

Robertson Davies as Diarist

by (author) Robertson Davies
edited by Jennifer Surridge & Ramsay Derry

Resilience and Triumph

Immigrant Women Tell Their Stories

by (author) The Book Project Collective
with Rashmi Luther, Vanaja Dhruvarajan, Ikram Jama, Yumi Kotani, Monia Mazigh, Peruvemba S. Jaya & Lucya Spencer

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