Browse Books in Native American

Faces in the Forest
First Nations Art Created on Living Trees

Faces in the Forest
First Nations Art Created on Living Trees

Silent Messengers of the Arctic

Art BC
Masterworks from British Columbia

My Home As I Remember

Out of the Mist
Treasures of the Nuu-Chah-Nulth Chiefs
Privileging the Past
Reconstructing History in Northwest Coast Art

Learning by Design
Pacific Northwest Coast Native Indian Art

In Search of Geraldine Moodie

Eagle Transforming
The Art of Robert Davidson

Looking at Totem Poles

Looking at Indian Art of the Northwest Coast
Kwakiutl String Figures

The Early Years of Native American Art History
The Politics of Scholarship and Collecting

Northwest Coast Indian Art
An Analysis of Form

Guide to Indigenous Quillworking

Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image

Indian Artifacts of the Northeast

Indian Weaving Knitting Basketry of the Northwest

Western Indian Basketry, The Art and Style of
The Art and Style of

Totem Poles
An Illustrated Guide

Their Art, Culture and Legends

Totem Poles of the Northwest