Browse Books in Film & Video
Restoring Relations Through Stories
From Dinétah to Denendeh
The Art and Soul of Blade Runner 2049 - Revised and Expanded Edition
Welcome to the Parade
Shelley Niro
500 Year Itch
Exovede In The Darkroom
The Films of Rhayne Vermette
Exclusive Memory
A Perceptual History of the Future
Northern Getaway
Film, Tourism, and the Canadian Vacation
Hollis Frampton
Mothers of Invention
Film, Media, and Caregiving Labor
Moments of Perception
Experimental Film in Canada
Landscape of Moving Images
A compendium of prairie cinema
More Voice-Over
Colin Campbell Writings
Women, Film, and Law
Cinematic Representations of Female Incarceration
Planet Wax
Sci-Fi/Fantasy Soundtracks on Vinyl
Bill Sienkiewicz: Revolution
A History of Icelandic Film
Writing Beyond the End Times? / Écrire au-delà de la fin des temps “
The Literatures of Canada and Quebec / Les littératures au Canada et au Québec
The Only Film in Town
How A Little Film With a Big Heart Was Made in Rural Nova Scotia
The Berlin School and Its Global Contexts
A Transnational Art Cinema
Early Cinema in Asia
Ecstatic Worlds
Media, Utopias, Ecologies
The Documentary Art of Filmmaker Michael Rubbo
Tar Wars
Oil, Environment and Alberta's Image
Hanan al-Cinema
Affections for the Moving Image