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Browse Books in Film & Video

Restoring Relations Through Stories

From Dinétah to Denendeh

by (author) Renae Watchman
foreword by Luci Tapahonso

The Art and Soul of Blade Runner 2049 - Revised and Expanded Edition

by (author) Tanya Lapointe

Welcome to the Parade

by (author) Stuart Clarfield

Shelley Niro

500 Year Itch

by (author) Melissa Bennett, Greg Hill & David W. Penney

Exovede In The Darkroom

The Films of Rhayne Vermette

edited by Stephen Broomer & Irene Bindi

Exclusive Memory

A Perceptual History of the Future

by (author) Tom Sherman
edited by David Diviney

Northern Getaway

Film, Tourism, and the Canadian Vacation

by (author) Dominique Brégent-Heald

Hollis Frampton

edited by Michael Zryd

Mothers of Invention

Film, Media, and Caregiving Labor

contributions by So Mayer, Corinn Columpar, Susan Berridge, Maria Cabrera, Elinor Cleghorn, Tamsyn Dent, Kristy Guevara-Flanagan, Alice Haylett Bryan, Jules Arita Koostachin, Irene Lusztig, Kristi McKim, Missy Molloy, Tessa Ashlin Nunn, Claire Perkins, Elissa Rashkin, Rashna Wadia Richards & Sara Saljoughi

Moments of Perception

Experimental Film in Canada

edited by Jim Shedden & Barbara Sternberg
text by Michael Zryd & Stephen Broomer

Landscape of Moving Images

A compendium of prairie cinema

edited by Melanie Wilmink & Solomon Nagler
text by Vicki Van Chau, Hannah Godfrey, Peter Hemminger, Jonathan Petrychyn, Alexander Rogalski, Daina Warren & Janine Windolph
contributions by Mike Maryniuk, Lindsay McIntyre, Rhayne Vermette & Dianne Ouellette
designed by Jayme Spinks

More Voice-Over

Colin Campbell Writings

by (author) Colin Campbell
edited by Jon Davies

Women, Film, and Law

Cinematic Representations of Female Incarceration

by (author) Suzanne Bouclin

Planet Wax

Sci-Fi/Fantasy Soundtracks on Vinyl

by (author) Aaron Lupton & Jeff Szpirglas
foreword by Christophe Beck

Bill Sienkiewicz: Revolution

by (artist) Bill Sienkiewicz
introduction by Neil Gaiman
by (author) Ben Davis
edited by Sal Abbinanti & Chul R. Kim

A History of Icelandic Film

by (author) Steve Gravestock

Writing Beyond the End Times? / Écrire au-delà de la fin des temps “

The Literatures of Canada and Quebec / Les littératures au Canada et au Québec

edited by Ursula Mathis-Moser & Marie Carrière

The Only Film in Town

How A Little Film With a Big Heart Was Made in Rural Nova Scotia

by (author) Stuart Cresswell

The Berlin School and Its Global Contexts

A Transnational Art Cinema

contributions by Jaimey Fisher, Marco Abel, Lisa Haegele, Robert Dassanowsky, William Fech, Alice Bardan, Ira Jaffe, Inga Pollmann, Roger Cook, Michael Sicinski, Lutz Koepnick, Chris Homewood, Brad Prager, Gerd Gemünden, Roland Végso & Hester Baer

Early Cinema in Asia

edited by Nick Deocampo
contributions by Charles Musser, Stephen Bottomore, Aaron Gerow, Wimal Dissanayake, Nadi Tofighian, Ritsu Yamamoto, Shahin Parhami, P.K. Nair, Hassan Abdul Muthalib, Daw-Ming Lee, Anchalee Chaiworaporn, Tilman Baumgartel & Wai-ming Law

Ecstatic Worlds

Media, Utopias, Ecologies

by (author) Janine Marchessault

The Documentary Art of Filmmaker Michael Rubbo

by (author) D.B. Jones

Tar Wars

Oil, Environment and Alberta's Image

by (author) Geo Takach

Hanan al-Cinema

Affections for the Moving Image

by (author) Laura U. Marks

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