Browse Books in Art & Politics
Remembering Air India
The Art of Public Mourning
The Orange Balloon Dog
Bubbles, Turmoil and Avarice in the Contemporary Art Market
Zapantera Negra
An Artistic Encounter Between Black Panthers and Zapatistas
Mobilizing Metaphor
Art, Culture, and Disability Activism in Canada
Arts of Engagement
Taking Aesthetic Action In and Beyond the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
Finding Diefenbunker
Canadian Nationalism and Cold War Memory
The Land We Are
Artists and Writers Unsettle the Politics of Reconciliation
Coded Territories
Tracing Indigenous Pathways in New Media Art
Quivering Land
Transnationalism, Activism, Art
Stan Douglas: Abbott & Cordova, 7 August 1971
Community Arts and Popular Education in the Americas
The Listener
Affirming Collaboration
Community and Humanist Activist Art in Quebec and Elsewhere
Célébrer la collaboration
Art communautaire et art activiste humaniste au Québec et ailleurs
No Culture, No Future
Rites of Way
The Politics and Poetics of Public Space
Nekt wikuhpon ehpit
Once there lived a woman: The Painting, Poetry and Politics of Shirley Bear/Il était une fois une femme : la peinture, la poésie et la politique de Shirley Bear
Joe's Politicians
Changing Perspectives in Anthropology of Art
Directions in Theory and Research
Capital Culture
A Reader on Modernist Legacies, State Institutions, and the Value(s) of Art
Making Our Mark
Labour Arts and Heritage in Ontario
Wild Garden
Art, Education, and the Culture of Resistance
The Carnivalization of Politics
Quebec Cartoons on Relations with Canada, England, and France, 1960-1979
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