Browse Books in Art
Frances-Anne Johnston
Art and Life
The Great Canadian Art Fraud Case
The Group of Seven and Tom Thomson Forgeries
Wabanaki Modern | Wabanaki Kiskukewey | Wabanaki Moderne
The Artistic Legacy of the 1960s “Micmac Indian Craftsmen” | Ta'n Koqoey Naqtmuksi'kɨpp 1960ekk “Mi'kmewaqq L'nu'k ta'n Natawiteka'tijik” | L’héritage artistique des Micmac Indian Craftsmen des années 1960
E. J. Hughes: Canadian War Artist
Scott, Brandtner, Eveleigh, Webber
Revisiting Montreal Abstraction of the 1940s
Northern Getaway
Film, Tourism, and the Canadian Vacation
The Transforming Image, 2nd Ed.
Painted Arts of Northwest Coast First Nations
Women's War Stories
The Lebanese Civil War, Women's Labor, and the Creative Arts
How I Draw
Scott McKowen Sketchbooks
Uncommon Sense
Aesthetics after Marcuse
Glory and Exile
Haida History Robes of Jut-ke-Nay Hazel Wilson
Janet Werner
Sticky Pictures
The Architecture of Empire
France in India and Southeast Asia, 1664-1962
The Architecture of Empire
France in India and Southeast Asia, 1664–1962
Enchanted Objects
Visual Art in Contemporary Fiction
Eli Bornstein
Arctic Journals, 1986 and 1987
Light Revealed
Scratchboard Engravings by Scott McKowen
Made for the Eye of One Who Sees
Canadian Contributions to the Study of Islamic Art and Archaeology
Out of the Sun
On Race and Storytelling
The Vanishing Signs
Out of the Dark
Honouring the Children of Residential Schools
Towards an Encyclopedia of Local Knowledge Volume II
Excerpts from Chapter III - Miawpukek