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Désolé, plus d'essence
L'Innovation architecturale en réponse à la crise pétrolière de 1973
Geoffrey Farmer
Anne Collier
Willie Bester
Apartheid Laboratory
Yousuf Karsh
Industrial Images
Ted Godwin
The Regina Five Years: 1957-1967
Everett Soop
Journalist, Cartoonist, Activist
Excursions into the Cultural Landscapes of Alberta
Elisabeth Belliveau, Istvan Kantor, Jamie Q, Tanya Read, Jerry Ropson and Tara K. Wells
Howie Tsui's Horror Fables
Paréidolies / Pareidolias
Nicolas Baier
Nelson Henricks
Time Will Have Passed / Le temps aura passé
Spring Hurlbut
Le jardin de sommeil
Claude Tousignant
Allyson Mitchell
Ladies Sasquatch
Brenda Joy Lem
Homage to the Heart
Obsolete Concepts
Walter Tandy Murch
The Spirit of Things
Beyond Guilt - The Trilogy
Ruti Sela + Maayan Amir
Off the Norm
Celebrating 40 years of Fine Art at Fanshawe College
Carl Schaefer
Storm on the Horizon