Browse Books in Urban & Land Use Planning

Rhythms of Change
Reflections on the Regent Park Revitalization

Home Truths
Fixing Canada's Housing Crisis

Urban Mobility
How the iPhone, COVID, and Climate Changed Everything

Nature-First Cities
Restoring Relationships with Ecosystems and with Each Other

Montreal's Square Mile
The Making and Transformation of a Colonial Metropole

Broken City
Land Speculation, Inequality, and Urban Crisis

Stroll, updated edition

The Joy Experiments
Reimagining Mid-sized Cities to Heal Our Divided Society

Outside the Outside
The New Politics of Suburbs

Sites of Conscience
Place, Memory, and the Project of Deinstitutionalization

Toward Sustainable Communities, Fifth Edition
Solutions for Citizens and Their Governments

The Planning, Design, and Development of Toronto’s CityPlace

Digital (In)justice in the Smart City

Innate Terrain
Canadian Landscape Architecture

After Suburbia
Urbanization in the Twenty-First Century

The Speculative City
Emergent Forms and Norms of the Built Environment

The Heart of Toronto
Corporate Power, Civic Activism, and the Remaking of Downtown Yonge Street

Who's Next
Homelessness, Architecture and Cities

Streetcars and the Shifting Geographies of Toronto
A Visual Analysis of Change

Corner Windows and Cul-de-Sacs
The Remarkable Story of Newfoundland's First Garden Suburb

Urban Ecology for Citizens and Planners

Shift Change
Scenes from a Post-industrial Revolution

Sanctuary for Sale

Icebergs, Zombies, and the Ultra Thin
Architecture and Capitalism in the Twenty-First Century