Well, look at the first paragraph of how Gary Barwin's new book is described (below) and tell us you're not a little bit curious. Motl needs his balls back and it's hard not to wonder how he's going to find them given that they were "lost to him in a glacier in the Swiss Alps in the previous war." If ever there was a quest! Along with Barwin's upcoming adventure, here are four other books that you might find as tempting as we do. Mark your calendars for when they're released – soon!
Gary Barwin's Nothing the Same, Everything Haunted (March)
From the book description:

"Motl is middle-aged, poor, nerdy, Jewish and in desperate need of a shave. Since having his balls shot cleanly off as a youth in WWI, he's lived a quiet life at home in Vilnius with his shrewd and shrewish mom, Gitl, losing himself in the masculine fantasy world of cowboy novels by writers like Karl May—novels equally loved by Hitler, whose troops have just invaded Lithuania and are out to exterminate people like Motl. In his dreams, Motl is a fast-talking, rugged, expert gunslinger capable of dealing with the Nazi threat. But only in his dreams."

Rachel Rose's The Octopus Has Three Hearts (March)
From the book description:
"To the outside world, Roxanne seems terribly lonely: her husband Earl has passed away, and her daughter Linda was murdered. What people don’t understand is that Earl and Linda are still keeping Roxanne company, reincarnated in the forms of a wiener dog and standard poodle."

Camilla Gibbs' The Relatives (March)
From the book description:
"Lila is on a long, painful journey toward motherhood. Tess and Emily are reeling after their ugly separation and fighting over ownership of the embryos that were supposed to grow their family together. And thousands of miles away, the unknown man who served as anonymous donor to them all is being held in captivity in Somalia."

Michelle Grierson's Becoming Leidah (April)
From the book description:
"In the hinterlands of old Norway, Leidah Pietersdatter is born blue-skinned, with webbed hands and feet. Upon every turn of season, her mother, Maeva, worries as her daughter’s peculiarities blossom—inside the root of the tiny child, a strange power is taking hold."

Louise Michalos' Marilla Before Anne (May)
From the book description:
"Marilla Cuthbert was fifty-two years old when the plucky red-headed Anne Shirley came to live with her and her brother, Matthew, at Green Gables farm on Prince Edward Island. A seemingly cold and dour spinster, her heart eventually softens to the loveable orphan girl. But for over a century readers have wondered, who was Marilla before Anne?"