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Research Posts

Social Work Research Using Arts-Based Methods

contributions by Genevieve Guetemme, Mark Doel, Ronald P.M.H. Lay, Lucia Hervas Hermida, Caroline McDonald-Harker, Nasreen Lalani, Julie Drolet, Julie C. Moreno, Holly Feen-Calligan, Elizabeth Barton, Emma Buzzard, Marion Jackson, Sofie Vindevogel, Tijs Van Steenberghe, Fien Van Wolvelaer, Jessica De Maeyer, Mike De Kreek, Brian Kelly, David González Casas, Linda Vanina Ducca Cisneros, Paola Th.P.M. de Bruijn, Erik Jansen, Maria Regina A. Alfonso, Adrienne Mari D. Santos, Francesca Lagmay, Josefa Angelica L. Atayde, Kathleen Angela L. Bautista, Ma Imelda Matilde S. Lukban, Orna Shemer, Eitan Shahar, Margareta von Salisch & Tessa van Ham
edited by Ephrat Huss & Eltje Bos

Unravelling Research

The Ethics and Politics of Research in the Social Sciences

edited by Teresa Macías
afterword by Sherene H. Razack

Unravelling Research

The Ethics and Politics of Research in the Social Sciences

edited by Teresa Macías
afterword by Sherene H. Razack

Unravelling Research

The Ethics and Politics of Research in the Social Sciences

edited by Teresa Macías
afterword by Sherene H. Razack

Unravelling Research

The Ethics and Politics of Research in the Social Sciences

edited by Teresa Macías
afterword by Sherene H. Razack

Reading across the Disciplines

edited by Karen Manarin
contributions by Joyce Tang Boyland, M. Soledad Caballero, Yvonne Davila, Heather C. Easterling, John Eliason, Nelson Graff, Rosemary Green, Neela Griffiths, Rachel Henry, Pat Hutchings, Rebecca Kersnar, Aimee Knupsky, Ryne Leuzinger, Margaret Mackey, Elizabeth Marquis, Trent W. Maurer, Brett McCollum, Layne A. Morsch, Daniel Shapiro, Catelyn Shipp, Dana Statton Thompson, Kris Vasquez, Jakob T. Zehms, Angela Zito & Jordan R. Donovan

Reading across the Disciplines

edited by Karen Manarin
contributions by Joyce Tang Boyland, M. Soledad Caballero, Yvonne Davila, Heather C. Easterling, John Eliason, Nelson Graff, Rosemary Green, Neela Griffiths, Rachel Henry, Pat Hutchings, Rebecca Kersnar, Aimee Knupsky, Ryne Leuzinger, Margaret Mackey, Elizabeth Marquis, Trent W. Maurer, Brett McCollum, Layne A. Morsch, Daniel Shapiro, Catelyn Shipp, Dana Statton Thompson, Kris Vasquez, Jakob T. Zehms, Angela Zito & Jordan R. Donovan

Implementing Evidence-Based Research

A How-to Guide for Police Organizations

by (author) Laura Huey, Renée Mitchell, Hina Kalyal & Roger Pegram

Creating the Future of Health

The History of the Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary, 1967-2012

by (author) Robert Lampard, David B. Hogan, Frank W. Stahnisch & James R. Wright Jr.

Creating the Future of Health

The History of the Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary, 1967-2012

by (author) Robert Lampard, David B. Hogan, Frank W. Stahnisch & James R. Wright Jr.

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