History Posts

Clio in the Clinic
History in Medical Practice

Body Counts
Medical Quantification in Historical and Sociological Perspectives//Perspectives historiques et sociologiques sur la quantification médicale

Body Counts
Medical Quantification in Historical and Sociological Perspectives//Perspectives historiques et sociologiques sur la quantification médicale

Body Counts
Medical Quantification in Historical and Sociological Perspectives//Perspectives historiques et sociologiques sur la quantification médicale

Element of Hope
Radium and the Response to Cancer in Canada, 1900-1940
An Element of Hope
Radium and the Response to Cancer in Canada, 1900-1940

Labour in the Laboratory
Medical Laboratory Workers in the Maritimes, 1900-50

Labour in the Laboratory
Medical Laboratory Workers in the Maritimes, 1900-50

I'll Never Forget My First Car
Stories from Behind the Wheel

Christians in a Secular World
The Canadian Experience