History Posts

For Canada's Sake
Public Religion, Centennial Celebrations, and the Re-making of Canada in the 1960s

For Canada's Sake
Public Religion, Centennial Celebrations, and the Re-making of Canada in the 1960s

The Lord for the Body
Religion, Medicine, and Protestant Faith Healing in Canada, 1880-1930

Lord for the Body
Religion, Medicine, and Protestant Faith Healing in Canada, 1880-1930

Lovers and Livers
Disease Concepts in History

Written in the Flesh
A History of Desire

Lords of the Rinks
The Emergence of the National Hockey League, 1875-1936

Dictionary of Basilian Biography
Lives of Members of the Congregation of Priests of Saint Basil from Its Origins in 1822 to 2002

The Missionary Oblate Sisters
Vision and Mission

Missionary Oblate Sisters
Vision and Mission