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History Posts


Marketing the Gospel in English Canada, 1884-1957

by (author) Kevin Kee


Marketing the Gospel in English Canada, 1884-1957

by (author) Kevin Kee

Hearth and Home

Women and the Art of Open Hearth Cooking

by (author) Fiona Lucas

Famous Name Trains

Travelling in Style with the CPR

by (author) David Laurence Jones

Greatest Games of the Stanley Cup

The Battles and the Rivalries

by (author) J. Alexander Poulton

The Governance of Privacy

Policy Instruments in Global Perspective

by (author) Colin J. Bennett & Charles Raab

Race for Real Sailors, A

Bluenose and the International Fisherman's Cup 1920 - 1938

by (author) Keith McLaren
introduction by Silver Cameron

Survival Strategies

The Life, Death and Renaissance of a Canadian Teaching Hospital

edited by David Goyette, Dennis William Magill & Jeff Denis

Religious Rivalries in the Early Roman Empire and the Rise of Christianity

edited by Leif E. Vaage

Encyclopedia of Women and Religion in North America, Set

contributions by Rosemary Skinner Keller, Rosemary Radford Ruether, Mary Jo Weaver, Abel Aganbegyan, Ann Braude, H. Byron Earhart, Valarie H. Ziegler, Cynthia Grant Tucker, Debra Campbell, Dilshad Kersey Antia, Dianne Ashton, Margaret L. Bendroth, Carolyn D. Blevins, Barbara Blodgett, Mary C. Boys, Catherine A. Brekus, Anthea Butler, Diane Capitani, Sharon Ann Cook, Sarah Gardener Cunningham, Janine M. Denomme, Cheryl A. Kirk-Duggan, Cynthia Eller, Maureen Fielder, Loreta Halteman Finger, Holly Folk, Mary Van Vleck Garman, Cheryl Townsend Gilkes, Rita M. Gross, Cathy Gutierrez, Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad, Katharine Henderson, Richard Hollinger, Alison Duncan Hirsch, Sandra Hutchison, Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz, Demetra Velisarios Jaquet, David E. Kaufman, Frances Kissling, Rita Lester, Miriam L. Levering, Susan Hill Lindley, Aminah Beverly McCloud, Jeanne P. McLean, Daisy L. Machado, Ingrid Mattson, Lara Medina, Sara J. Myers, Pamela S. Nadell, Vasudha Narayanan, Lori Pierce, Nancy Pineda-Madrid, Judith Plaskow, Barbara J. Merguerian, Riv-Ellen Prell, Rebecca B. Prichard, Mary L. Putrow, Jeanette Rodriguez, Jean M. Schmidt, Shuly R. Schwartz, Susan Setta, Nikky-Guninder K. Singh, Jane Smith, Kim Stone-Mullin, Ruth M. Tabrah, Lucy Tatman, Emilie M. Townes, Laura Weaver, Judith Weisenfeld, Diane Winston & Barbara Zikmund

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