Dystopian Posts Reports from the Deep End Stories inspired by J. G. Ballard edited by Maxim Jakubowski by (author) Rick McGrath, Will Self, Iain Sinclair, Michael Moorcock, Christopher Fowler, Chris Beckett, Lavie Tidhar, Ramsey Campbell, Barry Malzberg, Adrian Cole, Jeff Noon, James Lovegrove, Toby Litt & Rhys Hughes Los testamentos / The Testaments by (author) Margaret Atwood Defy by (author) Sara de Waard Ages 12 to 18 Grades 9 to 12 Wanderer of the Wastes by (artist) Tyler Landry The Shadow Road by (author) K.D. Kirchmeier Ages 13 to 18 Grades 8 to 12 Fledgling The Keeper's Records of Revolution by (author) S.K. Ali Ages 14 to 18 Grades 9 to 12 The Diapause by (author) Andrew Forbes The Diapause by (author) Andrew Forbes The Hunger Games: Illustrated Edition by (author) Suzanne Collins illustrated by Nicolas Delort Ages 12 to 18 Grades 7 to 12 White World by (author) Saad T. Farooqi Page 3 of 45 ‹ Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 … 45 Next ›