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The Canadian Book Market 2012

Non-Subscriber Edition

compiled by BookNet Canada

Social Work in Africa

Exploring Culturally Relevant Education and Practice in Ghana

by (author) Linda Kreitzer

As Nature Made Him

The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl

by (author) John Colapinto

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning In and Across the Disciplines

edited by Kathleen McKinney
foreword by Mary Taylor Huber
contributions by Cheryl M. Albers, Curtis D. Bennett, Jeffrey L. Bernstein, Angela Bauer-Dantoin, Nancy L. Chick, Tyler B. Christensen, Jacqueline M. Dewar, Arlene J. Díaz, Regan A.R. Gurung, Beth M. Schwartz, Liz Grauerholz, Melissa Gresalfi, Katherine D. Kearns, Eric Main, Antonio E. Mateiro, Joan Middendorf, David Pace, Caroline Hodges Persell, Gary Poole, Nancy Randall, David A. Reichard, Jennifer Meta Robinson, Lauren Scharff, Leah Shopkow, April K. Sievert, Kathy Takayama, Carmen Werder & Miriam E. Zolan

Grey Matters

A Guide for Collaborative Research with Seniors

by (author) Nancy Marlett & Claudia Emes
contributions by Penny Jennett, Bob Stebbins, Joan Ryan, Dorothy Dooley & Marianne Rogerson

Social Work in Africa

Exploring Culturally Relevant Education and Practice in Ghana

by (author) Linda Kreitzer

The Canadian Book Market 2011

Non-Subscriber Edition

compiled by BookNet Canada

Preserving What Is Valued

Museums, Conservation, and First Nations

by (author) Miriam Clavir

Health Inequities in Canada

Intersectional Frameworks and Practices

edited by Olena Hankivsky

Advances in Research and Services for Children with P.R. Special Needs

by (author) Geraldine Schwartz

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