Canada Posts

Weapons of Mass Persuasion
Marketing the War Against Iraq

Weapons of Mass Persuasion
Marketing the War Against Iraq

Battle for Life
The History of No. 10 Canadian Stationary Hospital and No. 10 Canadian General Hospital in Two World Wars

In For a Penny, In For a Pound
The Adventures and Misadventures of a Wireless Operator in Bomber Command

Fight or Pay
Soldiers' Families in the Great War

Dad's War
The story of a courageous Canadian youth who flew with Bomber Command

Hometown Horizons
Local Responses to Canada's Great War

Bold Privateers
Terror, Plunder and Profit on Canada's Atlantic Coast

Explosion in Halifax Harbour
The illustrated account of a disaster that shook the world

Riding Into War
The Memoir of a Horse Transport Driver, 1916-1919