Cats Posts The White Cat and the Monk A Retelling of the Poem “Pangur Bán” by (author) Jo Ellen Bogart illustrated by Sydney Smith Ages 4 to 8 Grades p to 3 Mr. King's Things illustrated by Geneviève Côté Ages 3 to 7 Grades p to 2 Alya and the Three Cats text by Amina Hachimi Alaoui illustrated by Maya Fidawi translated by John Conn Ages 3 to 5 Grades p to 12 13 books RMB Kids Books! list by RMB | Rocky Mountain Books Ages 0 to 8 Grades p to 3 Little Cheetah's Shadow by (author) Marianne Dubuc Ages 4 to 7 Grades p to 2 The Secret of Zoone by (author) Lee Edward Fodi Ages 8 to 12 Grades 3 to 7 Samuel et la tuque de Noel by (author) Art Richard & Chantal Pelletier-Richard illustrated by Isabelle Léger Ages 3 to 8 Grades p to 3 Sous mon arbre by (author) Chantal Duguay Mallet Ages 4 to 8 Grades p to 3 Bad Dog by (author) Mike Boldt Ages 3 to 7 Grades p to 2 Bad Dog by (author) Mike Boldt Ages 3 to 7 Grades p to 2 Page 12 of 35 ‹ Previous 1 … 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 … 35 Next ›