Wild Posts

Howl at the Moon: Books that Feature Wolves, Big Bad and Otherwise
A recommended reading list by author of new book Skating Wild on an Inland Sea.

A Brief History of Mermaids
An excerpt from Alessandra Naccarato's new book, Imminent Domains.

Wild Is a Challenging Word
From the new book In the Name of Wild: One Family, Five Years, Ten Countries, and a New Vision of Wildness

Malcolm Squires: Canada Is a Forest Nation
We like to picture the boreal forest as a stable, balanced system. Really, it is anything but stable. The boreal forest is dynamic.

Wild. As in, Hot Times

Stuck in the Middle: Dissenting Views of Winnipeg
Desired and reviled, adulated and condemned, Winnipeg inspires intense and contradictory emotions.

Notes From a Children's Librarian: Wild Summer Fun
Sky and earth, large scale to small, these books cover the gamut of wild summer fun.


The Story of Lucy, Canada's Last Northern Elephant
Learn about the remarkable lives of these magnificent creatures in 5 Elephants by Rob Laidlaw.