Pirates Posts Small Saul illustrated by Ashley Spires Ages 3 to 7 Grades p to 2 Le tien, le mien, le sien by (author) Philippe Garon illustrated by Réjean Roy Ages 4 to 8 Grades p to 3 Agnes's Garden by (author) Lori Doody Ages 3 to 8 Grades p to 3 Pirate Glitterbeard illustrated by Oksanna Crawley by (author) Larissa Crawley Ages 4 to 8 Grades p to 3 Keepers of the Pact by (author) Karen Kelloway Ages 8 to 12 Grades 3 to 7 The Hippie Pirates by (author) Lana Shupe illustrated by Caroline Clarke Ages 9 to 12 Grades 4 to 7 Double O Stephen and the Ghostly Realm by (author) Angela Ahn Ages 9 to 12 Grades 4 to 7 Mermaid and Pirate by (author) Tracey Baptiste illustrated by Leisl Adams Ages 3 to 7 Grades p to 2 La Jardinière des océans by (author) Sarah Lalonde illustrated by France Cormier Ages 6 to 8 Grades 1 to 3 Double O Stephen and the Ghostly Realm by (author) Angela Ahn Ages 9 to 12 Grades 4 to 7 Page 1 of 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 … 12 Next ›