Gender Posts

Confronting the Epidemic of Intimate Partner Violence
An excerpt from the new book And Sometimes they Kill You

Notes from a Children's Librarian: Books for Pride
Diversity and acceptance are the threads that bind these picture books for grades Kindergarten to Grade 6.

Aftershock: Books on Trauma and Resilience
"In moments of crisis, we don’t break down: we make sure everybody around us is okay. And then we make jokes."

The Space Between
Books that challenge binary and complicate matters in the most interesting and useful ways.

The Chat: Trevor Corkum Interviews Betsy Warland
I’m thrilled to be in conversation with Betsy Warland, author of Oscar of Between: A Memoir of Identity and Ideas, published by Dagger Editions, an …

Chelsea Rooney: Books on Sexuality and Gender
The author of Pedal revisits books that helped clarify her point of view.