Dreams Posts

10 Books Where the Imaginary Threatens the Real
A recommended reading list by the author of the new novel Play.

Brief Books about Big Ideas

Touched by the Light
Exploring Spiritually Transformative Experiences

Touched by the Light
Exploring Spiritually Transformative Experiences

Becoming Lucid, Self-Awareness in Sleeping and Waking Life
Hypnotic Practice in Lucidity & Dreams

Becoming Lucid, Self-Awareness in Sleeping and Waking Life
Hypnotic Practice in Lucidity & Dreams

Becoming Lucid, Self-Awareness in Sleeping and Waking Life
Hypnotic Practice in Lucidity & Dreams

Becoming Lucid, Self-Awareness in Sleeping and Waking Life
Hypnotic Practice in Lucidity & Dreams

The Learning Project
Rites of Passage

The Learning Project
Rites of Passage