COVID-19 Posts

Illness Changes Everything: On Creating a Pandexicon
An excerpt from Grady's new book Pandexicon: How the Language of the Pandemic Defined Our New Cultural Reality.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
A son struggles to connect with his father in his final days—but movies manage to connect them.

Learning About Vaccines, Pandemics, and COVID-19

Aftershock: Books on Trauma and Resilience
"In moments of crisis, we don’t break down: we make sure everybody around us is okay. And then we make jokes."

COVID–19 Teacher Diary: Teachers, Don't Forget to Take Care of Yourselves
This summer has not been as per usual: a time to rest, reflect and plan for the upcoming school year. As an avid reader of historical plague novels, it …

COVID–19 Teacher Diary: On Reopening Schools Without Libraries
We’ve waited so long for some sense of a return to normalcy. Now, with schools on the cusp of reopening, they do so under the rightful scrutiny of anxious …

COVID–19 Teacher Diary: Pondering the “What If” with Shari Green & Caroline Pignat
During this time of self-isolation and social distancing, books can sometimes be our only companions as the days stretch before us, looping in a Groundhog …

COVID–19 Teacher Diary: Eric Walters' New Book Explores the "Now Normal"
Written, published and released during a pandemic: Eric Walters defies traditional publishing norms to create a book for young people living through the …

COVID–19 Teacher Diary: A New Way to Celebrate the Forest of Reading
Forest of Reading is Canada’s largest recreational reading program, celebrating Canadian books and authors. In the eyes of Canadian kids, it is the …

COVID–19 Teacher Diary: Time to Slow Down, with Deborah Ellis & Richard Scrimger
This is the second pair in a series of interviews with a host of Forest of Reading authors interviewed by Erika MacNeil, Teacher-Librarian at Rogers PS …